
Jugmag    The Stories of Fred Pig and Friends

Download books of Fred Pig and friends for £1 each  or  £5 for 9 books

Example Stories

The tall white Aliens  First 5 pages of 30 shown

Bullies dream  First 5 pages of 19 shown


Stories   click to go to story samples and download button or download 9 together

Books are between 20 and 35 pages

1 Doctor Rutherford Wins Out ..

2 Small and Big Girls,

3 What Happened to Weisel City,

4 Big Blue Blows a Fuse,

5 Public Holiday,

6 Fred Pigs Quantum Leap ,

7 Linda Horse Meets Kate Moose,

8 Holiday Memoirs,

9 Who Ate All the Pies.

Down load all 9 books above for £5                                                                              




1 Doctor Rutherford Wins out first 4 pages pages shown, price £1            


2 Small and Big Girls first 4 pages shown, price £1



3 What Happened to Weisel City first four pages shown, price £1



4 Big Blue Blows a Fuse first four pages shown, price £1



5 Public Holiday first four pages shown, price £1



6 Fred Pigs Quantum Leap first four pages shown, price £1


7 Linda Horse Meets Kate Moose first four pages shown, price £1


8 Holiday Memoirs first four pages shown, price £1


9 Who Ate All rhe Pies first four pages shown, price £1


Books that will be available to download shortly


10 Country Club 3 sample pages shown

11 Energy Goo on Mars

12 Return from Time

13 Time Travel

14 Fred Pigs Delema

15 The Story of Goo

16 On Holiday

17 Snow Drop Wood

Introduction to Fred Pig and Friends                                                      

By Fred Pig




Fred Pig and Friends live in a small town in the north of England

They always thought their lives were normal and perhaps not so interesting

Until a young reporter moved to their town to take a job on the local newspaper

Talking to Fred Pig, Linda Horse and their friends he realized how interesting

their lives are and decided to form Jug Magazine and tell the stories of their adventures.

A day in the life


To them the area where they lived just looked normal it had always looked that way, to the young reporter

it all looked unique and they were the products of it

Occasionally on the weekends they had the opportunity to ride cross country motorbikes they thought this

was exciting but the young reporter saw things differently


3The young reporter saw there adventures as the equal of any characters any where in the world



However there was a side of the of there lives at this stage he knew nothing about. It involved their science teacher Doctor Rutherford. Doctor Rutherford had moved to the town some 25 years ago he was a brilliant scientist whose aim was to inspire young people to take up and try to understand and appreciate mathematics and science.

Mathematics is the language of the Universe he used to say.

In his large Edwardian house he had many interesting machines and apparatus, he had invented him self

Below is two pages from a visit they made to Doctor Rutherford's house he is explaining his theories on time

and offers to show them his time machine.

We are not at liberty to show the rest of this story on this web site

You will have to read the books The Stories of Fred Pig and Friends


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On this website are a number of pages from their adventures

Fred Pigs school essay on Isaac Newton and a story Fred Pig drew about Fizzy Head.are in www.jugmag.co.uk


There are more examples of adventures to be added shortly


To see the conclusions to their adventures buy the books above

Fred Pig

Introduction to Characters

The End for now, now buy stories and keep them with you

contact email jugmag@jugmag.com                                                                                                          

Additional examples of stories are in www.jugmag.co.uk